Kawakawa Healing Balm

Kawakawa Healing Balm

from £16.50

Made in small batches in New Zealand, by naturopath and medical herbalist, Louise Garland. Available in 30ml or 60ml (select option for purchase below).

Kawakawa (Piper excelsum) is native to NZ and used widely in Rongoā, traditional Māori medicine.

A healing skin balm for general use for face and body, and is particularly good for nourishing dry skin, or healing skin irritations. Makes a beautiful lip balm and general skin salve also.

Also suitable for skin irritations such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, nappy rash, bites, burns, and abrasions and because of its anti-inflammatory properties may also be used as a massage balm for sprains and strains.

Ingredients: Kawakawa infused sweet almond oil & NZ beeswax. Kawakawa (Piper excelsum): Anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, general skin healing properties.
Almond oil: High in vitamin E, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, hypoallergenic, safe for all skin types.
NZ beeswax: Supports skin healing and moisture retention, antibacterial.

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